Hello, I'm Spandan Das

I am a computer science student at Carnegie Mellon University and I'm interested in machine learning, quantitative finance, and entrepreneurship.

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Spandan Das

Computer Science Student

GitHub LinkedIn

Hey there, I'm Spandan Das. Currently, I'm studying computer science at Carnegie Mellon University with a minor in Machine Learning. My primary interest is in artificial intelligence and using it to have a positive impact on the world.

Outside of school, I enjoy playing tennis and basketball, working out, and listening to and playing music.







Carnegie Mellon University

B.S. Computer Science

Relevant Coursework: (PhD) Intro to Deep Learning [Python], Deep Reinforcement Learning [Python], (PhD) Advanced NLP [Python], Algorithm Design and Analysis, Machine Learning with Large Datasets [Python], (PhD) Convex Optimization, Intro to ML [Python], Intro to Computer Systems [C], Probability and Computing, Statistics and Computing


Thomas Jefferson (TJHSST)

Class of 2021

Relevant Coursework: Artificial Intelligence [Python], Computer Vision [C++], Machine Learning [Python], Parallel Computing [C], Probability Theory, Concrete Math, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra

Clubs: Senior Computer Team (Captain), Intermediate Computer Team (Captain), Varsity Math Team


Places that I've worked



May 2024 - August 2024

Built anomaly detection system for NVIDIA TEGRA chip production environment


CMU Language Technologies Institute

February 2024 - May 2024

Developed an active learning based approach for data-efficient pretraining for LLMs by utilizing data impact models
[Paper] [Poster]



May 2023 - August 2023

Created an LLM integration library to automatically filter and annotate semantically similar Siri queries


CMU AirLab

May 2022 - September 2022

Developed an online camera calibration algorithm for a multi-view stereo setup on drones used to determine real-time depth maps


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

June 2020 - August 2021

Predicted precipitation through an ice microphysics-based machine learning approach using remote sensing data from NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement Mission [Paper] [GitHub]


University of Virginia

June 2019 - August 2019

Used web-scraping and machine learning to predict likelihood of premium subscription purchase for TV streaming platform


Some of my personal projects


Yu, Z.; Das, S.; Xiong, C. MATES: Model-Aware Data Selection for Efficient Pretraining with Data Influence Models. 2024. https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.06046
Das, S.; Wang, Y.; Gong, J.; Ding, L.; Munchak, S.J.; Wang, C.; Wu, D.L.; Liao, L.; Olson, W.S.; Barahona, D.O. A Comprehensive Machine Learning Study to Classify Precipitation Type over Land from Global Precipitation Measurement Microwave Imager (GPM-GMI) Measurements. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3631. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14153631
Pandey, R.; Das, S.; Thrush, T.; Liang, P.P.; Salakhutdinov, R.; Morency, L.-P. Winoground{VQA}: Zero-shot Reasoning with Large Language Models for Compositional Visual Question Answering. 2023. [Link to Paper]
Das, S.; Samuel, V.; Noroozizadeh, S. TLDR at SemEval-2024 Task 2: T5-generated Clinical-Language Summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis. NAACL SemEval Conference 2024. https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.09136


Things I've achieved...
